Signs Of A Dental Abscess In A Dog
Dogs can get dental abscesses just like humans can. And just like with a human, a dental abscess can be a serious infection. If left untreated, the infection can spread to the blood stream and possible cause death. As such, you want to be aware of what the signs are of a dental abscess in a dog and get them evaluated by a vet who specializes in pet dentistry if they show any of those signs. Here are a few of the most common signs of possible dental abscesses in dogs.
An Inability to Chew or Pain While Chewing
If your dog is experiencing dental pain, you may notice that they are having a hard time chewing their food, that they are not chewing their food or that they have no interest in food. If you notice any of these signs, take a bit of time to watch your dog. If he or she begins to chew only one side of the mouth, that is a good indication that they have a dental issue, such as a cavity or abscess on the other side of their mouth and they are avoiding chewing on that side. If you notice this, it is time to get your dog's teeth examined before the problem worsens.
An Obviously Damaged Tooth
Another sign of a potential abscess in a dog is a tooth that is obviously damaged. When you are playing fetch with him or her, handing out treats or giving a belly rub, you may notice a tooth that is broken, hanging on by a thread or significantly darker than the other teeth. This tooth should be tended to or it could turn into an abscess in the near future, if it has not already.
Facial Swelling
Unfortunately, since your dog cannot talk to you, it can be hard to tell if they have a toothache. If you fail to catch the problem early on, the abscess can grow and spread. When it does, you may notice facial swelling. While the jaws of human's tend to swell with an abscess, the cheeks are where the swelling will occur in dogs. If you notice a large bump or bubble around your dog's jawline, cheeks, nose or below or near the eye, chances are, you are dealing with a dental abscess and will want to get it treated right away.
The best way to prevent a dental abscess in a dog is to ensure that your dog gets regular dental care. This helps to ensure your dog's teeth are cavity-free and healthy. Contact a vet's office, like Windsor Veterinary Clinic PC, for more help.